Senin, 21 Juli 2008


talking about love, there is a very popular question, namely "does love need a reason?".. i think love doesn't need a reason.. and to prove it, i have a story about a girl and a boy who has a special relationship..

girl: darling, may i ask u something??
boy: of course.. what's that?
girl: why do u love me?
boy: hmmmm....... i don't know why i love u, but i do love u.. i think, love doen't need a reason.
girl: why do u love me? why do u love me? my friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her.. then, why do u love me?
boy: ok, ok... hm, i love u bcoz u're so beautiful, ur smile is so cute, u have a lovely voice, u're a very kind-hearted girl.. that's why i love u.
girl: thank u.. ( smile happily)

few months later, the girl had a very bad accident.. her face became so ugly, she lost her leg, and she was in a coma for a long time..

then, his boyfriend wrote a letter for her..

dear my darling...
do u remember, few months ago, u've ever asked me why do i love u.. and i'm sure u still remember my answer.. i said that i love u bcoz u're beautiful, bcoz ur smile is so cute, bcoz u have a lovely voice, bcoz u're a very kind-hearted girl..
but now, u're not beautiful anymore, u cannot smile anymore, u lose ur cute smile.. i also can't hear ur lovely voice, i can't feel ur kindness..
so, there is no reason anymore for me to love u, right??
but, till now, i still love u.. and i do love u.. that's why i said that love doesn't need a reason..
love u forever, my dear...

so, i think... to love someone, we don't need a reason..

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Ysp Jesus did it

Though humen even refuse His Love

Stay in His Way

Intinya: Cinta Yesus tu lebih tulus dari manusia manapun

Banyak manusia yang bakal berhenti "mencintai" bila org yg dikasihinya itu tidak membalas perasaannya (sampai batas waktu tertentu), kemudian mencari orang yg lain