Selasa, 02 September 2008



F orgive each other
R efresh each other
I nvest each other
E ncourage each other
N uture each other
D epends on each other
S hare with each other
H elp each other
I nspire each other
P ray for each other

Friendship is a precious gifr that can't be bought or sold. Its value is greater than mountain made of gold. In the trouble, friendship is a power to cheer, an hear to listen, and a heart to understand. It can bring you so much comfort and reach out a helping hand. So, what you've asked from God for gift, be thankful if He didn't send you diamonds, pearls, or riches, ut the love of "True Friend"..

A special friend is a wonderful gift..
someone who offers understanding when life is dufficult,
someone who accepts you and is glad that you are you,
someone who forgets mistakes and is gentle and trusting..

Friends are angels that come from Above. Sent down from God for us to love..

A friend is a person that you can trust..
A friend is one of life most beautiful things..

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