Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

ODF.. a tiring day, a funny day, a memorable day..

fiuhh.. finally, odf is finished.. after a few months full of preparation, our odf is finished with succeed.. (thanks, God!).. with 120 participants ( include the committees ) we went to "Taman Purbakala".. i was the committees, exactly in the documentation. so, here are so pictures of our ODF..


a pray before went to Taman Purbakala

tak berubah kasihNya.. tiap hari bertmbah indahnya..a..a

jalan serta Yesus.. jalan sertaNya.. setiap hari..

adventure map

tali ribet.. (kelompok paling sial krn taliny paling ribet.. haha)

bom nuklir

semangat amat, bu..

holahoop.. pos yg paling mengundang tawa ^^

estafet air..

the first adventure winner.. congratz.. ^^

all parricipants..

thanks, God.. without You, this odf wouldn't succeedd.. all honor is for You..

1 komentar:

MaRcO mengatakan...

alo va, np dk cb pasang iklan ?
kan mayan buat penghasilan tmbahan kalo ad yg ngunjungin hehe