Selasa, 11 November 2008

yesterday is Tau Jef's bday.. so, we did a surprise for him.. ^^

surprise preparation.. full of laugh, full of jokes, full of balloons too.. hahaha.. ^^

birthday present for Tau Jef.. full of our quates, and our signatures..

SURPRISE..!! creamy face.. hahaha.. i was the provocator of that cream war. hahaha ^^

cleaned his own room after that cream war..

but at last, to u.. wish u all the best..
the most unforgetable thing: the pray time.. i'm sure all of us who were there yesterday know what i mean,, there was a joke in yesterday's pray. hahaha.. i really almost laugh yesterday, and i'm sure u too.. hahaha.. ^^

1 komentar:

Jefry Stevanus Lie mengatakan...

Sekarang sy baru tau skenario rencana kalian...
Rencana kalian t spt mata uang...
di satu sisi bwt ct bahagia....
tp di sisi lain...
iihhhh.... kesel...
kamar ct kotor nian...
penuh dg krim kue... jadi banyak semut...
capek tw ngepel...

dan satu lagi...
km melanggar hukum, karena memuat foto orang lain di blog mu dan bisa di liat semua org TANPA IZIN DARI ORANG YANG BERSANGKUTAN....

saya tuntut...
hahaha... :-)