Sabtu, 15 November 2008


this feeling..
feeling about u..

maybe, this feeling is not gone,
it's just fading..

some parts of my heart are still belongs to you,

but a little part of my heart is..
i don't know..

i don't know where does the little part go,
this little part is belong to whom..

not to anyone..


to him??

to the new guy?

yeah, i know he's not as good as the old one,
not as charming as the old one,
not as clever as the old one,
not as skilled as the old one..

he also has his own charm,
his own skill,
his own cleverness,
his own good-side
by his own way..
by the way which is really different as your way..

i'm not too sure that this little part is belong to him..

to him,


to anyone??


4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

"yeah, i know he's not as good as the old one"

who is the new one???????

ivana--林以蕐 mengatakan...

as i'm still not sure about this, the new one is steel a secret..
就是我的小秘密, 哈哈

Anonim mengatakan...

Steel? Or still?
Ga penting hoho

Jefry Stevanus Lie mengatakan...

dengan "KOKO"
